“Tree of My Life” is a space of psycho-emotional safety, warmth and comfort that allows Ukrainian citizens not to be left alone with the war.
Liubov Mykhailiuk, Founder of the psychological and educational space “Tree of My Life”, says: “This space appeared to meet the challenge of time, the challenge of the aggressor’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine: At the end of February 2024, we gathered with a team of like-minded people: psychologists, psychotherapists, candidates for resource-oriented counselors to answer the question: “What can we do?”
This was the beginning of full-scale psychological support for volunteers and internally displaced people.
The goal of the “Tree of My Life” project
– Improving the psycho-emotional state of children (preventing the development of post-traumatic stress disorder, etc;)
– Psychoeducation and improvement of the psycho-emotional state of parents, creation of a healthy family environment;
– Psycho-emotional support for the elderly;
– Assistance to military personnel with the regulation of their psycho-emotional state (prevention of PTSD, etc.);
– Helping military families cope with difficulties in reunification and returning to civilian life;
– Psycho-emotional support for volunteers.
The Tree of My Life project operates in three cities: Uzhhorod, Mukachevo, and Svaliava.
On January 30, 2024, a new space was opened in Mukachevo, which was consecrated by Bishop Mykola Petro Luchok of Mukachevo OP, who supports the “Tree of My Life” space.
Source: Veritas