On November 8, 2023, the Board of the Association of Ukrainian Benefactors met. Among the issues discussed by the meeting participants, it was decided to admit the charitable organization “Life Changer” and the charitable organization “Tree of My Life” to full membership in the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists. In addition, they received an application for membership from an individual: Andriy Ionov, which was approved. These charitable organizations are operating, with active projects aimed at solving important problems and calls of the times.
At present, due to the general situation in the charitable sector of Ukraine and the related suspension of the activities of a certain part of third-sector organizations, it became necessary to consider changing the membership status of individual representatives of the Association. It was proposed to introduce the status of “Affiliate Members of the Association” for organizations and individuals who are not systematically, or sporadically involved in the activities of the Association. There were 9 such organizations and one individual.
These decisions were made and discussed at the meetings of the members of the Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine in September-November 2023.
* Affiliated members are charitable foundations (or public organizations) that participate in the activities of the Association on an ad hoc basis, on a point-by-point basis, and do not fully exercise the rights (obligations) of a member of the Association.
Due to the inability to establish communication or the lack of information about activities for 12 calendar months or more, the Board of the Association proposed to suspend the membership of 13 organizations.
Source: vboabu.org.ua